Budget and Financial Reports

Through sound financial operations and strong leadership from the management staff and the Park Board of Commissioners, the Dundee Township Park District remains financially stable.

The District maintains its financial strength by following conservative fiscal policies that allow the District to provide our residents with high-quality facilities and programs.

The Park District has been able to sustain its long-term financial health and retain adequate contingent resources. The District will continue its fiscal responsibility, using its financial resources wisely to ensure the delivery of the highest quality parks, recreation facilities, and various programs to the community.

Financial questions can be directed to Greg Gannon, Director of Finance, (847) 844-7085, ext 1000, or ggannon@dtpd.org.

Please click the links below for more information about the Park District's budget and financial reports.

I. Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

View Reports

II. Budget & Appropriations Ordinances

View Budgets

III. IMRF Employer Cost and Participation Information

Per Public Act 101-504, amending the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/7-135.5), as a participating member in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), the Dundee Township Park District is required to provide the link below to IMRF's website pertaining to information regarding IMRF's employer cost and participation.

View this information on the IMRF website

IV. Open Meetings Act, Section 7.3

The Dundee Township Park District maintains a competitive compensation and benefits program in order to attract and retain capable, career-oriented employees. The Park District staff, under the direction of the Park Board of Commissioners, conducts periodic compensation studies to ensure that our wages and benefits are both competitive and fiscally responsible.

In compliance with Section 7.3 of the Open Meetings Act, effective January 1, 2012, employers participating in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund must post a physical copy of the compensation package for each employee that exceeds $75,000 per year.  This information for employees of the Dundee Township Park District will be posted at the Administration Building, 21 N. Washington Street, Carpentersville, Illinois. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.

V. Illinois Prevailing Wage Act

In accordance with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, the Dundee Township Park District (Park District) has made a determination of the prevailing rates of wages to be paid laborers, mechanics and other workers employed in public works projects for the Park District. The Park District has determined that the prevailing rates of wages are the wage rates for Kane and Cook Counties, as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor.

A copy of the determination is available for public inspection in the Park District's business office located at 21 North Washington Street, Carpentersville, IL 60110-2695. Copies are also available upon request by calling the Park District at (847) 428-7131 x4003.

Current Prevailing Wage Rates

Dundee Township Park District Financial Review

January 17, 2024

The financial review was part of the board meeting held on Wednesday, January 17, at 7:00 pm. The information shared gave a top-level view of park district finances to help the community better understand the financial laws and statutes affecting Illinois park districts.

Topics to Included:

  • Resident Tax Bill
  • History of EAV (Equalized Assessed Valuation)
  • Tax Cap Law
  • Fund Balance Policy
  • Aquatic Subsidies History
  • DTPD Capital Projects

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many households vs. commercial/industrial buildings are within the Dundee Township? What is the total equal assessed valuation (EAV) of each?
A: There are approximately 25,000 households and a population of 64,000 residents within Dundee Township.  Of the approximate $2.2 billion in EAV, $1.4 billion is attributed to residential structures.  The remainder EAV is attributed to commercial, industrial and farm structures.  

Q: Does the Village of Sleepy Hollow provide any impact fees to the Dundee Township Park District?
A: The Village of Sleepy Hollow has no land/cash ordinance in place for new residential development.  The villages of Carpentersville, West Dundee and East Dundee have land/cash ordinances in place and base their unique impact fees or land given to the Park District by number of bedrooms and units constructed.

Q: Can the Dundee Township Park District receive cash in lieu of land from new developments? Can these impact fees be used to replace playground equipment?
A: There are times when new residential developments do not have adequate or quality land to construct park space, and therefore by the terms of the land/cash ordinance, cash may be given to the Park District in the form of impact fees. These impact fees may be used for new playground equipment.

Q: Can impact fees from other villages be used in the Village of Sleepy Hollow?
A: Developer impact fees are earmarked for the village in which the proceeds were given.  Village officials want to see that new residential developments receive recreational amenities that serve their residents/constituents. 

Q: Does the Park District still own the land that Sleepy Hollow Pool sits on?
A: Yes, the Park District owns 8.6 acres in which the pool and small building are located, including the parking lot, sand volleyball court, tennis courts, playground, and basketball court.  

Q: Does the Park District have a plan for the Sleepy Hollow Pool land?
A: There are no immediate plans for the property.  The Board of Commissioners have requested to engage the community through a citizen advisory committee and third party consultant to determine if a new aquatic facility is feasible and where the location would be.

Q: What is the total dollar amount of impact fees that the Village of West Dundee has for park improvements?
A: There is approximately $700,000 in impact fees held by the Village of West Dundee for park improvements.  There are two District capital projects that the Village of West Dundee has agreed to release impact fees. These projects will decrease the amount of total impact fees if they come to fruition. 

Q: Does the Dundee Township Park District prioritize which facilities receive capital dollars for improvements by need and/or use?
A: The District's five-year capital plan does prioritize projects based on several factors including: meeting the District's mission, safety, need, use, condition, age, and more. 

Q: Is the Dundee Township Park District able to sell Bonnie Dundee Golf Club or other land that is owned by the District?
A: Yes, park districts can sell eligible land owned by the agency. The District would have to go through a lengthy process that includes a public input process, a 4/5 vote of board officials, and more.

Q: When will the Aquatics Citizen Advisory Committee be formed?
A: The Aquatics Citizen Advisory Committee will be selected after a third party consultant is hired by the District to assist with the aquatic feasibility process.   Within the Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional services, it states that the third party consultant will assist with the selection process of the committee.  The District anticipates hiring the third party consultant in March with the selection of the Aquatics Citizen Advisory Committee soon thereafter.

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