Electronic Sign Requests

The electronic message signs located at Bonnie Dundee Golf Course (intersection of Rte. 25 and Rte. 68) and Randall Oaks Golf Course (intersection of Randall Road and Binnie Road) is used for promoting community events/activities or communicating messages to the Dundee Township community. Community messages will be considered pending the number of messages for that particular period.

If you would like to submit a message to be considered, please read the Electronic Message Sign Policy regarding messages and fill out the electronic message sign request form. After reviewing the sign policy, please fill out the request form below.

Electronic Message Sign Request

Please submit this form to the Marketing Department:

Email: marketing@dtpd.org
Mail/Drop Off: 665 Barrington Ave., Carpentersville, IL
Fax: (847) 551-4302


The purpose of this policy is to allow community based organizations use of the electronic signs located at Bonnie Dundee Golf Course (intersection of Rte. 25 and Rte. 68) and Randall Oaks Golf Course (intersection of Randall Road and Binnie Road) to promote community events/activities or communicate messages to the Dundee Township community.


Eligibility will be limited to governments, community service organizations, civic organizations, and not-for-profit organizations, all of which are to be domiciled within the Dundee Township area. Also, organizations outside of the Dundee Township area sponsoring an event sanctioned by the Dundee Township Park District as an œofficial community event may use the signs to announce events. Use of the signs by individuals, for-profit businesses, trade organizations or political organizations is prohibited unless those events have been sanctioned by the Dundee Township Park District as an œofficial community event.

Application, Reservation and Scheduling

Applications are to be made on the appropriate Bonnie Dundee Golf Course or Randall Oaks Golf Course Sign Request Form and submitted to the Park District no less than fourteen days prior to the requested display date. Requests will be reviewed and honored on a first-come, first-served basis with a limit of two reservations per month. Any additional reservations will be honored based on availability and at the discretion of the Park District staff.

In addition, reservations will be limited to not more than one year in advance.

Reservations and schedules shall be maintained by the Park District at the Marketing Department office in the Rakow Center.

The Dundee Township Park District reserves the right of first use of the sign. Any scheduling in conflict with the Dundee Township Park District's need or use for the community events sign shall be resolved to the Dundee Township Park District's benefit.

The Dundee Township Park District is not responsible for messages submitted incorrectly.


The signs shall be reserved for no less than one week and for no more than two weeks, unless staff determines availability exists. The Park District reserves the right to remove or change any message during the scheduled display period without the consent of the applicant in order to exercise its own use of the community events signs.

Message Fees

Eligible community based organizations will be charged $25 per week/per sign. Payment must be received with the application. 

The Village of Carpentersville and Village of East Dundee fees will be waived for the Bonnie Dundee message sign due to the contributions made toward the construction of the message sign by each agency. In the event that a request is denied or the Park District cancels the reservation prior to displaying the scheduled message, the fee shall be returned to the applicant. If the Park District cancels or removes a message during its display period, the fee will not be refunded. All fees are to be paid by cash, check (payable to the Dundee Township Park District) or credit/debit card.

Requests for Message Sign Usage 

Community based organization requests for message sign usage should be made to the Marketing Manager's attention at marketing@dtpd.org.


Cancellations of confirmed reservations must be made two weeks prior to the scheduled date of sign use in order to receive a refund of the fee. No other refunds will be considered.

The organization making the request is responsible for contacting the Dundee Township Park District should the event be cancelled, postponed, or rescheduled.

Right to Edit/Right to Refusal 

The Dundee Township Park District has the authority to edit text of the signage being requested if it deems necessary for reasons including but not limited to, availability of space and layout concerns. 

Due to the size limitations of the sign, messages are restricted to 72 characters/spaces. Submitted messages may therefore have to be abbreviated in order to fit. Park District staff may also have to make spelling and grammatical corrections.

The Dundee Township Park District reserves the right to refuse to honor any application request if it is deemed inappropriate, inflammatory, in conflict with the separation of church and state, or not within the general interest of the Dundee Township Park District community and its values as determined by the Park Board or duly appointed representative.

In the event an application is rejected, payment will be refunded.

Emergency Notifications

In the case of an emergency, the sign will be updated to only display info related to the emergency. Once the emergency has been lifted, the sign will resume displaying the scheduled messages.


The Dundee Township Park District reserves the right to revoke the use of the community events sign at any time with reason to the applicant.

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